WEBVTT 1 00:00:02.110 --> 00:00:16.199 Lauren, STFC RAL: Hello, everybody! This is the introduction to the work experience program at RAL. My name is Lauren, and I'm here with my colleague Vicky. And we are going to tell you a little bit about the work experience programme 2 00:00:16.379 --> 00:00:24.549 Lauren, STFC RAL: today. So we will start with an introduction to Stfc and the Uk laboratories that we are part of. 3 00:00:24.600 --> 00:00:28.699 Lauren, STFC RAL: We'll talk a little bit about the work experience program itself. 4 00:00:29.010 --> 00:00:42.170 Lauren, STFC RAL: Why you should do work experience, or why do work experience, anyway, and some important dates, and then we'll have a brief look at the application form. So just to start with 5 00:00:42.580 --> 00:01:09.260 Lauren, STFC RAL: the Science and Technology Facilities Council is a pretty awesome thing that has a bit of a long name. We are funded by UK. Research and innovation. So UK. Ri, and we have labs and sites in the UK. And contribute to experiments, facilities all around the world. For example, Cern and the large Hadron Collider, and we run or help to run experiments that would be too big or too expensive for businesses and universities to build individually 6 00:01:09.260 --> 00:01:15.719 Lauren, STFC RAL: for world class research. Now we have lots of sites all over the UK. We have 6, in fact. 7 00:01:15.870 --> 00:01:23.499 Lauren, STFC RAL: So the first of which is the Rutherford option lab, and I'll tell you more about that later. That is where I work and run our work experience program. 8 00:01:23.590 --> 00:01:39.519 Lauren, STFC RAL: We have our other sister sites, the Dasbury laboratory, who also have a work experience program and they are the other big lab that looks at many of the aspects from nuclear physics to supercomputing. They have some accelerators and a technology engineering center 9 00:01:40.270 --> 00:02:09.689 Lauren, STFC RAL: up in Edinburgh we have the UK astronomy technology center, where they design and build state of the art instruments for many of the world's major telescopes and conduct observational and theoretical astronomical research. And they develop scientific instrumentation and facilities for ground and space-based astronomy. And they also have a work experience program. For students that are based very close to the lab. So if you are in the Edinburgh area, please do look into applying for a placement there as well. 10 00:02:10.000 --> 00:02:30.750 Lauren, STFC RAL: Now we have a small team that works down at Chilbolton, at the Chilbolton Observatory, at one of the world's most advanced meteorological radars, experimental facilities. And it's home to the world's largest, fully stirable meteorological radar. In addition to ongoing research programs, they also 11 00:02:30.850 --> 00:02:39.630 Lauren, STFC RAL: frequently host visitors from experiments and research teams from universities and other research organizations, age organizations 12 00:02:39.960 --> 00:02:46.899 from both the Uk and abroad. Now we do have one work, experience, placement that will be based at 13 00:02:47.080 --> 00:02:55.460 Lauren, STFC RAL: one of the projects that would be based at Chill Bolton. So if you are interested in the work going on there, please do check it out on our website. 14 00:02:56.080 --> 00:03:07.729 Lauren, STFC RAL: Now, we also have Polaris House. Now, this isn't one of the labs, but it is where the funding comes from. Based in Swindon, and we also have the Bulby underground laboratory, which is 1.1 kilometers underground 15 00:03:07.990 --> 00:03:14.830 in a mine. Now we don't offer any work, experience placements there, as we are not allowed under 18 s. Underground. 16 00:03:16.000 --> 00:03:32.330 Lauren, STFC RAL: So I'm gonna tell you a little bit more about the different departments here at Ral, so you can get an idea of the different departments that are offering placements. Now Ralph covers all scales of science, from the very small building blocks of our world to the vast scales astronomy. 17 00:03:32.360 --> 00:03:40.470 Lauren, STFC RAL: So, first, that we have our particle physics department. They work with cern and other experiments around the world on building, designing 18 00:03:40.520 --> 00:04:02.830 Lauren, STFC RAL: parts for the detectors, but also looking into Theore, theoretical science and the theories, particle physics, theories, looking at data analysis, and all sorts of wonderful things like that. Now we do have 2 particle accelerators on site, the first of which is diamond light source. Now they are a joint funding venture between us and the Wellcome trust 19 00:04:02.860 --> 00:04:15.640 Lauren, STFC RAL: and they have their own work experience program. So they are not part of this program here today. So if you are interested in looking at that program. Please do check out on their website. It is different. 20 00:04:15.660 --> 00:04:33.930 Lauren, STFC RAL: Other particle accelerator that you can apply for replacement at is the Isis neutron, immune source. It is a neutron scattering experiment that studies the structures of all sorts of things, from extremely strong spiderwebs, hysterical artifacts, and discovering materials for clean energy. 21 00:04:34.580 --> 00:04:53.120 Lauren, STFC RAL: so we have lots and lots of placements in the Isis neutron muon source. Do check them out now on a slightly larger scale. We have the central laser facility. So we've got a load of different laser facilities and some of the most intense lasers on the planet, studying the extremes of physics. 22 00:04:53.190 --> 00:04:56.890 Lauren, STFC RAL: looking into lab astrophysics, making mini stars into the lab 23 00:04:57.510 --> 00:05:12.159 Lauren, STFC RAL: in the lab and nuclear fusion. And we've also got some gentler lasers that are used for biological work, and these are based in the research complex. So this is a multidisciplinary research lab studying life and physical sciences and the interfaces between them. 24 00:05:12.240 --> 00:05:26.819 Lauren, STFC RAL: Now onto the vast scales of astronomy. We have our Ralph's Space Department. So they carry out world class research developing and building instruments, telescopes, testing parts to go on to the Iss. And they've been involved in over 200 space missions 25 00:05:27.240 --> 00:05:40.929 Lauren, STFC RAL: now underpinning all of the work that we do here at the lab, we have a scientific competing department. So they analyze all of the data coming out of loads of our experiments on site and also other experiments like the large Hadron Collider at. So we also do 26 00:05:41.040 --> 00:05:43.949 Lauren, STFC RAL: a massive amount of data storage 27 00:05:44.230 --> 00:06:01.680 Lauren, STFC RAL: and lots of work there. We also finally have our technology department. So technology, the technology department is where lots of our fantastic engineers are housed and a lot of the work that we do on site wouldn't be possible without them. They also work with other experiments all around the world 28 00:06:01.740 --> 00:06:07.660 Lauren, STFC RAL: into all sorts of things. They do things with microelectronics with cryogenics. 29 00:06:07.680 --> 00:06:20.549 Lauren, STFC RAL: And it's a really wonderful department now, finally, not based in this specific building. But we do have lots of fantastic non stem based. 30 00:06:20.720 --> 00:06:29.999 Teams that work on things like communication, public engagement and business and innovation. So you can get involved in all sorts of things here at the lab. 31 00:06:31.030 --> 00:06:41.309 Lauren, STFC RAL: Now to move on to talk a little bit about our work experience program hopefully, because you are on watching this video, you have found our website that tells you a lot more about the program. But just to 32 00:06:41.650 --> 00:07:03.310 Lauren, STFC RAL: to explain. This year we will be offering on site placements for students in years 1011, 12, and 13, which roughly translates to 18 to 14 years old. So if you are older than 18, but still in year 13. That's absolutely fine. You are able to apply for a placement. And placements will last between one or 2 weeks. 33 00:07:03.450 --> 00:07:09.110 Lauren, STFC RAL: But most of our placements are one week placements, and these are the dates that you can apply. 34 00:07:09.470 --> 00:07:28.299 Lauren, STFC RAL: Now, we would like to see as many people as possible applying. Because the placements are really high quality, and we'll give students like yourself a real taste of what life is like on a science and technology campus, whether it's a role with a scientist, an engineer, or a technician just looking at the opportunities in or just looking at opportunities in more science, support roles. 35 00:07:28.330 --> 00:07:52.630 Lauren, STFC RAL: Such as in communications and public engagement. Now you may have noticed that there are 2 weeks where we're not offering placements, and that is the twenty-fourth of June and the week of the first of July. Now that is because we are having a massive open week here at the lab, so you'd be able to come and visit us anyway, and we'll be sharing more information about that closer to the time. But we're not able to run any placements due to this. 36 00:07:53.990 --> 00:08:13.050 Lauren, STFC RAL: Now, the way that the program works is that students will work individually or with a small group with supervisors on a specific project. Now, the projects are all listed on our website. You can find out all about them. You'll apply for a specific project, and it will be a mixture of self-study and project work 37 00:08:13.050 --> 00:08:26.310 Lauren, STFC RAL: you'll be placed based on your application form. So we look at what you're interested in and the projects that you specified, and try and find you a placement that way. Now we've got, I think, 37 projects. But 38 00:08:26.310 --> 00:08:42.380 Lauren, STFC RAL: we take more than one student for each project. So we've got roughly a hundred placements, and applications are now open and need to be via the online form. Now, placements are free to attend. We don't pay you for coming, and you don't need to pay us. 39 00:08:42.760 --> 00:08:46.200 Lauren, STFC RAL: but we are not able to offer any accommodation. 40 00:08:46.270 --> 00:08:56.490 Lauren, STFC RAL: So please do check our website. If you are coming from further away. There are some information on accommodation locally. But we can't. 41 00:08:56.680 --> 00:09:02.819 provide that for you. and no placements will be confirmed until after applications are closed. 42 00:09:03.440 --> 00:09:06.510 Lauren, STFC RAL: So why do work experience now? 43 00:09:06.540 --> 00:09:20.520 Lauren, STFC RAL: You've probably been told this many times at school, but just to go over it once more, just for just fun. So right in your application form is really really good practice. Our application form includes questions that you would probably find 44 00:09:20.570 --> 00:09:26.339 Lauren, STFC RAL: or need to think about when you're writing a cover letter or preparing Cv 45 00:09:26.510 --> 00:09:35.380 Lauren, STFC RAL: things that you might be using if you were going to put put in a job application in the future, or maybe for university or a an apprenticeship? 46 00:09:35.660 --> 00:09:56.899 Lauren, STFC RAL: You can find some of these longer questions. As sample questions on our website. So you can have a go at writing an application in a separate document before you submit it. So you can just copy and paste those into the application form. Now, our scheme is quite competitive, so do get someone to check your application. The things that you've written or speak to a teacher, 47 00:09:56.930 --> 00:10:20.390 Lauren, STFC RAL: or a trusted adult to have a look at that before you submit your application. And it's really really important that you look at the specific projects for the details. Some of our students sorry some of our supervisors have provided some desirable or essential other criteria that the supervisors are looking for so just like you might find on a job advert some criteria that they're looking for. 48 00:10:20.590 --> 00:10:21.420 Lauren, STFC RAL: Now 49 00:10:21.650 --> 00:10:32.590 Lauren, STFC RAL: this is about you and not your parents. So if you do have any questions or need somebody to look at your form. And please do email us 50 00:10:32.620 --> 00:10:39.750 Lauren, STFC RAL: ask your parents to have a look over it. But please make sure the email is coming from you, if possible. 51 00:10:40.370 --> 00:10:55.290 Lauren, STFC RAL: Now, work experience is a really valuable like opportunity. You've probably been told this lots and lots of times, but it allows you to find out about what areas that you'd like or dislike. So it's absolutely fine to come and do a work, experience placement and think. Actually, this isn't quite what I want to do. 52 00:10:55.380 --> 00:11:07.739 Lauren, STFC RAL: It helps you decide what you would like to do in the future. And hopefully, these placements will give you a little bit of a taste of what you might be interested in. But it's completely okay to realize you're not as interested as you thought. 53 00:11:07.840 --> 00:11:26.419 Lauren, STFC RAL: Now, hopefully, it will be a valuable opportunity. It will be a great experience for you, and it will give you something to talk about in applications or interviews. You can think about the skills that you've learned and the skills you've gained and use those in university applications or apprenticeship applications or for jobs in the future. 54 00:11:26.490 --> 00:11:46.969 Lauren, STFC RAL: And as well as this, a lot of the staff that have worked that work at Stfc. Now have previously taken part in work experience here, or have done a year in industry, or have done an apprenticeship and continue to get jobs at Sdf in the future. So we want you to have these meaningful encounters with our workplace and experience the world of work. Now. 55 00:11:47.210 --> 00:12:15.060 Lauren, STFC RAL: the work experience that we do is just real work. Experience is close to real work. So it will be as close to real work experience as possible. So you will need to be acting responsibly. But our supervisors have spent a lot of time putting together projects. Now, you won't just be making coffee. Obviously, if you like a coffee, you can make yourself a coffee, but you won't just be doing that as part of your job. Some of the projects will include real life techniques that we have that we use 56 00:12:15.490 --> 00:12:34.590 Lauren, STFC RAL: at the lab so things that our scientists and engineers and technicians use. And some examples of some previous work. Work experience. So a student worked on a project at the Isis neutron, emu and source, and now has gone off to University with a publication from the research work that she had been involved in. 57 00:12:34.900 --> 00:12:36.429 Lauren, STFC RAL: Another set of students 58 00:12:36.440 --> 00:12:40.260 worked on some code that was used on the Atlas detector 59 00:12:40.380 --> 00:12:44.099 Lauren, STFC RAL: some other students designs the project in CAD 60 00:12:44.140 --> 00:12:59.100 Lauren, STFC RAL: and had their work. 3D. Printed and some students help to build or test equipment that is actually sent into space. So lots and lots of really, really exciting projects do have a look at all of them on our website. 61 00:12:59.440 --> 00:13:06.990 Lauren, STFC RAL: cool. So a little bit before we go on to looking at the application form just a little bit about some important dates. 62 00:13:08.120 --> 00:13:29.450 Lauren, STFC RAL: The applications are now open on online. They open on the first of January, and they will close on the twenty-fifth of February. Now all applicants will hear from us with a decision on their application by April. So we will be looking at what you've written on your application form, matching them with the supervisors and projects. 63 00:13:29.480 --> 00:13:35.939 Lauren, STFC RAL: And hopefully, we will let you know, if we are able to offer you a placement or not by the twelfth April. 64 00:13:37.380 --> 00:13:43.240 Lauren, STFC RAL: and, as I said before, the placements will last one or 2 weeks, and can be offered between the seventeenth of 65 00:13:43.280 --> 00:13:48.600 Lauren, STFC RAL: June and the 20 sixth of July. Except for those 2 weeks due to the open week. 66 00:13:48.940 --> 00:14:07.929 Lauren, STFC RAL: lots and lots of our placements on site involve computing or some knowledge of computing. So we do run an introduction to python workshop that will be over the May half-term and we can share recordings to that if you have been offered a placement. But you're not able to attend the workshop. Live. 67 00:14:07.960 --> 00:14:10.640 Lauren, STFC RAL: We can send you the recordings. 68 00:14:10.750 --> 00:14:19.779 Lauren, STFC RAL: and, as I said before, no placements will be confirmed until we've closed applications, so we won't give. We won't start placing students until we've got all of those applications in 69 00:14:20.040 --> 00:14:38.330 Lauren, STFC RAL: cool. So next up, we're gonna talk a little bit about how to apply. Now the first thing to do is hopefully you have made it to this web page, anyway. But you will hopefully be on the apply to Route page and if you go onto this page, you will hopefully see this button that says, apply to route. If you click on this button 70 00:14:38.470 --> 00:15:00.460 Lauren, STFC RAL: you will be taken to the application form. That is where you will need to complete the form. Now, this web page that we were on just a moment ago has some information also about available projects. The sample application questions some information about completing the application form and additional details that includes public transport information and 71 00:15:00.520 --> 00:15:08.080 Lauren, STFC RAL: accommodation. How to get to the lab and things like that, and you can scroll down and find most of that information via these buttons. 72 00:15:09.090 --> 00:15:12.800 Now, when you are applying, you will be 73 00:15:12.830 --> 00:15:25.339 Lauren, STFC RAL: asked to think about the area or the discipline and the project that you are most interested in. So in terms of available projects, they are split into 4 disciplines. So computing engineering science and other. 74 00:15:25.440 --> 00:15:30.639 Lauren, STFC RAL: So computing includes software, engineering and development programming. And it 75 00:15:30.820 --> 00:15:53.410 Lauren, STFC RAL: engineering includes mechanical, electronical and electrical engineering. The science is split into both practical and theoretical. And other refers to non stem placements or stem support science support roles such as in the library communications, business and working on social media projects. Now on the project details page. 76 00:15:53.690 --> 00:16:05.389 Lauren, STFC RAL: you will find the placements are listed in Dropdown menus under these 4 headings, and the first 3 or 4 digits should show you whether it's a computing 77 00:16:05.450 --> 00:16:22.190 Lauren, STFC RAL: based engineering science for other placement. And then there's a number and a title. That is the project. If you click on that dropdown menu you'll be shown all of the details you need about the project which year group it is suitable, for if there's any other year groups. 78 00:16:22.250 --> 00:16:35.059 Lauren, STFC RAL: if there's any other criteria sorry and if it is related to another discipline as well, so please do make sure you look at those fully before you start completing your application form. 79 00:16:35.120 --> 00:16:44.149 Lauren, STFC RAL: So now we're going to have a quick look at the application form. So we will head over to that page now. 80 00:16:45.050 --> 00:17:12.540 Lauren, STFC RAL: So when you click on that button like I said at the start, you'll be taken to a page that looks like this. Now, it's very important that you make sure it says, rel work, experience, application, form. If isn't and your you've ended up somewhere else. You won't be applying to a placement route. So please just double check that. That is where this placement this application is, for. And once you've clicked that you can click next page, and it will take you to the next page. 81 00:17:12.910 --> 00:17:30.439 Lauren, STFC RAL: Now, this next page is some information about data protection and personal information. So we are asking you to put in some personal information on this form so that we can contact you about your placement. So please just make sure you have read this with your parent and guardian, and then you select all of these to continue. 82 00:17:30.960 --> 00:17:53.029 Lauren, STFC RAL: Now, once you get to the third page. This is where you'll find your response. Code. This is a pretty important part of your application form. Please make sure that you write this number down, it will be different for everybody applying. And this is how we will be able to identify your application. So please do write this down and click that you have recorded your code. 83 00:17:53.080 --> 00:18:20.970 Lauren, STFC RAL: Once you have done this this bit, you will be able to scroll all the way down and to save and continue on this form. So if you're not ready to complete the form straight away, please do just click down to save and continue. You will be asked to input your email address. Please make sure you input it correctly. Cause if you put it in wrong, then we can't email you and we can't find you. Necessarily on the system. So please do make sure you do that. If that's what you're interested in. 84 00:18:21.820 --> 00:18:44.690 So once you've recorded your response codes you can go through and add some of the other information. So we ask some details about your personal details. We ask you to write your email address in twice. Please make sure that this is the correct email address. If it is not put input correctly, we won't be able to contact you, even if you are successful in getting a placement. 85 00:18:45.270 --> 00:19:02.439 We ask you to provide your pronouns, if comfortable, and to share which gender you most closely identify with. We also ask your ethnicity group, this is mostly this is just because we want to find out where people are applying from and who they are 86 00:19:02.610 --> 00:19:34.360 Lauren, STFC RAL: so please do share that with us. The next question is about school year. Now, if your age is different to the age that is written next to here. That's absolutely fine. Please just click the year that you are currently in. And if you're getting to the end of year 13, and you know that you will have finished year 13 by the end of next year. Please still put year 13. Now, we're not able to offer placements to students on gap years, or who are not in school or college in full-time education 87 00:19:34.980 --> 00:19:37.629 Lauren, STFC RAL: in full-time compulsory education. 88 00:19:38.000 --> 00:19:54.530 Lauren, STFC RAL: We also ask some information from your school. This is because we will ask your teacher for a reference, or to fill out our school form. If you are successful in getting a placement. So again, please make sure this is these details are inputted correctly. 89 00:19:55.110 --> 00:19:56.849 Lauren, STFC RAL: Now, at the next page 90 00:19:57.230 --> 00:20:09.950 Lauren, STFC RAL: will take you to choosing your project selection. So whether you're in year 12 or 13 or year 11 it will year 11 or 10. It will show you projects that you are able 91 00:20:10.020 --> 00:20:13.530 Lauren, STFC RAL: to apply for. So you'll be first asked to rank 92 00:20:13.670 --> 00:20:42.489 Lauren, STFC RAL: these disciplines, these areas. So, for example, if you think computing is your first choice, you can pop that in there. But if you want this one to be number 2, it changes it all like that. So we ask you to rate those, and then you will be asked to pick your first, second, and third choice of placement. Now please make sure you've read the descriptions for each project really, really carefully when you're making this decision, and please don't put in the same project more than once. It won't improve your chances of being offered the project. 93 00:20:42.640 --> 00:21:10.649 Lauren, STFC RAL: But you can find out all the information on the web page so you can select. They're all in the order that is listed on the the web page, and so you can list your first, second, and third choice. If you do choose the Chil Bolton Observatory placement. Please note that this is not on the Rouel site. You will be required to travel to the observatory in Hampshire, so make sure you know how to get there. If that is a project you are interested in. 94 00:21:11.520 --> 00:21:21.439 Lauren, STFC RAL: You'll also be off asked if you've got any interest in any of the other projects, so please do check them all out, and if there are any others that you are interested in. 95 00:21:21.440 --> 00:21:42.540 Lauren, STFC RAL: We can potentially send your application to those supervisors as well, but do just share us share any projects that you are interested in. If you've come to this page, and you can't see an application that you're intr that you were looking for. It may be that you are in year 10 or 11, and that project is only eligible for students in years. 96 00:21:43.140 --> 00:21:48.359 12 or 13. So please do do bear that in mind when you're choosing your projects. 97 00:21:48.990 --> 00:21:55.580 Lauren, STFC RAL: So after you have selected your projects, this is where some of those longer form questions are. 98 00:21:55.600 --> 00:22:13.120 Lauren, STFC RAL: These refer to your first and second choices of placement. We ask that you let us know why you have chosen your first choice. Why does it appeal to you, what are your interests, and is there anything that you are hoping to gain some experience in relating to that first choice. 99 00:22:13.690 --> 00:22:23.530 Lauren, STFC RAL: and then the same questions again, but for your second choice of placement. Now you won't be required to do it for your third choice. We just wanted to make sure you were able to 100 00:22:23.770 --> 00:22:27.590 apply for more than 2 projects if you were interested. 101 00:22:28.600 --> 00:22:47.460 Lauren, STFC RAL: So as I mentioned earlier, there are some computing questions. So we are gonna offer an introduction python, python programming, if you require it for your placement or something that you're interested in, it will be a complete introduction. So a very beginner level. So if you already have done loads of python. 102 00:22:47.820 --> 00:22:49.240 Lauren, STFC RAL: probably not for you. 103 00:22:49.680 --> 00:22:52.999 But it will be during the May half term 104 00:22:53.130 --> 00:22:59.349 Lauren, STFC RAL: and we do ask that you provide any software pro packages or programming languages that you're familiar with. 105 00:22:59.510 --> 00:23:19.000 Lauren, STFC RAL: Now, the next few pages, again, are some of those questions that you might find. When you're writing a cover letter or writing a Cv, or a job, advert a job application job application? And these questions are, why do you want to be involved in work experience? What do you want to gain for it? 106 00:23:19.000 --> 00:23:31.360 Lauren, STFC RAL: And just to find out a little bit more about you. So maybe this is things that you do in your spare time. Any hobbies you might have anything that you are interested in something that will make you stand out. Show your passion. 107 00:23:31.410 --> 00:23:33.799 For the project that you're applying for. 108 00:23:35.460 --> 00:23:39.640 Lauren, STFC RAL: The next question is about availability. So 109 00:23:40.240 --> 00:24:05.859 Lauren, STFC RAL: please do see if you can have a wider availability. So projects are available on more than one week, but not all projects are available on all. 4 weeks is kind of varied. So having a wider availability will be more beneficial to you, and you can select whether you have a preferred week, or whether you're just available. And if there is any comments that you want to make about this about your availability, please do pop them in that box. 110 00:24:06.080 --> 00:24:10.359 Lauren, STFC RAL: And you can either select a one or 2 week placement 111 00:24:11.720 --> 00:24:30.469 Lauren, STFC RAL: for your placement. And we do ask your ages during this placement period, just because some areas of the site are not suitable for some age groups. There are restrictions in who is allowed to go to some of the places. So we do ask that on the application form 112 00:24:32.270 --> 00:24:43.149 Lauren, STFC RAL: next up, we ask a little bit about your qualifications, so please do put in your Gcses or equivalent, and your A-levels, or further education in this column here. 113 00:24:43.590 --> 00:25:01.189 Lauren, STFC RAL: and then we're almost at the end of the application form. So we just ask you a little bit of information about, how did you hear about the program? And have you visited us before? And then the next question is basically just to say, Are you ready to submit your application. So if you are ready, you can click, click, click. 114 00:25:01.190 --> 00:25:15.879 Lauren, STFC RAL: submit, work, experience, application, and if you're not, you can go back to this, save and continue. But please bear in mind that all applications must be submitted by the 20 fifth of February. So if you've not submitted your application before this date, we cannot 115 00:25:16.110 --> 00:25:39.330 Lauren, STFC RAL: accept your application. So when you're looking at your application, please make sure you've read those project descriptions carefully that you've researched to learn a little bit more about your chosen project or department. Be specific in your interests. Why, you're interested in the specific projects and having a wider availability on dates. Now I am just going to stop 116 00:25:39.460 --> 00:25:40.390 Lauren, STFC RAL: the shack. 117 00:25:40.940 --> 00:25:49.529 and I know that Vicki has a few questions that have been sent in about the project, that she's going to ask us now. 118 00:25:50.210 --> 00:25:58.330 Vicky, STFC RAL (she/her): Yeah. So we've had a few questions in from some students. So the first one is, how can we edit the form before and after submitting. 119 00:25:58.340 --> 00:26:23.680 Lauren, STFC RAL: Amazing. So when we were looking at that form, you can see that there before you've submitted. You're able to use that save and continue link. So you can just save and continue and come back to it. If you're not quite finished. If you have submitted your application form. Just drop us an email, and we can send out a link to edit. So you can edit your form as long as it is before the deadline. So after the deadline, there are no more changes that can be made. 120 00:26:23.730 --> 00:26:28.890 Lauren, STFC RAL: But if it is before the deadline, please do drop us an email if you have submitted your form. 121 00:26:29.300 --> 00:26:32.310 Vicky, STFC RAL (she/her): Okay? Fabulous. Thank you. 122 00:26:32.330 --> 00:26:37.480 Vicky, STFC RAL (she/her): how many placements are there available? And our projects offered on more than one week. 123 00:26:37.560 --> 00:27:07.160 Lauren, STFC RAL: So I believe we have got 37 different projects this year. But we are taking more than one student per project. So we've got over 100 project over 100 placements available. And projects are offered over multiple weeks. So some placements that are only one week long are offered over multiple timeframes. So if you're not available on one of the dates, please do pop a different one in, and it is likely that you'll be able to apply for the project that you're interested in. 124 00:27:07.630 --> 00:27:09.160 Vicky, STFC RAL (she/her): Awesome. Thank you. 125 00:27:09.350 --> 00:27:38.670 Vicky, STFC RAL (she/her): The next question is, will I be able to apply again next year? So if you are successful, you are absolutely eligible to apply next year, and if you are unsuccessful in getting a placement, you again are eligible to apply next year as long as you are in that year 10 to 13 age groups. So even if you're in year 10. And you think, Oh, am I only gonna get one chance to this. No, you can apply as many times as you want to, as long as you are in full time, education, and in years 10 to 13. 126 00:27:38.960 --> 00:27:40.650 Vicky, STFC RAL (she/her): Oh, so great news! 127 00:27:40.740 --> 00:27:49.489 Vicky, STFC RAL (she/her): A project I'm interested in is only available for year 12 to 13 students. But I'm in year 10. Can I still apply for it? 128 00:27:49.540 --> 00:27:58.529 Lauren, STFC RAL: So if you are in year 10 or 11, and the project says it's only suitable for years, 12 and 13. Unfortunately, this year you won't be able to apply for that project. 129 00:27:58.530 --> 00:28:22.399 Lauren, STFC RAL: The reason for this is the supervisors are potentially looking for a student that has had more experience in that area, or that the placement is in a part of the site that only students that are slightly older are able to attend. So if if you are really really interested, please just keep an eye out for next year. I'm sure there are plenty of projects that you can apply for this year. 130 00:28:22.580 --> 00:28:25.689 Lauren, STFC RAL: Being in year 12 year year 10 or 11. 131 00:28:26.330 --> 00:28:28.680 Vicky, STFC RAL (she/her): Amazing. Thank you. 132 00:28:29.370 --> 00:28:34.529 Vicky, STFC RAL (she/her): Next question is, what are the criteria are you looking for in a successful application? 133 00:28:34.680 --> 00:28:52.069 Lauren, STFC RAL: Yeah. So as well as showing an interest in the specific projects, we've asked some of our supervisors and they are looking for students that have a willingness to learn and ask questions that have an enthusiasm for science and engineering have an interest in Stfc's work 134 00:28:52.070 --> 00:29:16.190 Lauren, STFC RAL: and have good communication skills, both verbal and written and a lot of the different projects do have some other criteria listed on that little dropdown menu. So do have a little look at that. It might be that you need to have an interest in chemistry or competing, or have experience in with particular software packages. So do check them out for each placement. But they are listed 135 00:29:16.530 --> 00:29:18.490 Vicky, STFC RAL (she/her): amazing. Thank you. 136 00:29:18.620 --> 00:29:33.320 Vicky, STFC RAL (she/her): If I can't do any of the dates listed, am I able to come another time? So unfortunately, we are only able to offer placements on those 4 weeks that we have specified. We're not able to offer any placements outside at this time, I'm afraid 137 00:29:33.320 --> 00:29:55.229 Lauren, STFC RAL: if your work experience week for school is on a different date, and you're not able to come on one of those dates. Please do speak to your school because they might be able to change your dates, to come for placement here at well, and if you're still struggling, do let me know, and I can speak to your school. often schools are able to be flexible for students to come and do this work. Experience placement? 138 00:29:55.880 --> 00:29:58.029 Vicky, STFC RAL (she/her): Awesome. Thank you. 139 00:29:58.140 --> 00:30:29.270 Vicky, STFC RAL (she/her): Can I attend a placement on my gap year? So unfortunately, if you are in on your gap year. You won't be eligible for this placement. You need to be in full time. Education we do have some other options for students that are going to university or looking for a longer paid summer placement. After the age of 18, in or after the age of year 13. So we can share a link on our website to our careers, page, if you're interested in that 140 00:30:29.280 --> 00:30:34.459 Lauren, STFC RAL: but if you are on your gap yet. Unfortunately, you're not eligible for this specific scheme. 141 00:30:34.870 --> 00:30:38.809 Vicky, STFC RAL (she/her): Okay, is that public transport to the lab. 142 00:30:39.110 --> 00:30:55.660 Lauren, STFC RAL: So yes, we've got loads of great public transport links to the lab. You can find that on our web page. So on this web page, if you just scroll down you'll be able to find the information on how to get to the lab. And there's some information there about the nearby bus routes and things like that. 143 00:30:56.310 --> 00:31:14.850 Lauren, STFC RAL: Great. Thank you. Do you provide accommodation for students? So, as I mentioned earlier, unfortunately, we're not able to provide accommodation for students. But on this web page again, scroll down, and you will be able to see that our local, our nearest hotel is actually just off the on the Rouel site. 144 00:31:14.890 --> 00:31:18.569 Lauren, STFC RAL: And there is an information on showing you where other 145 00:31:18.730 --> 00:31:27.419 Lauren, STFC RAL: hotels and things nearby are. For some students we do. We can provide a bursary. But that's 146 00:31:27.900 --> 00:31:30.829 Lauren, STFC RAL: based on completion of a form. And 147 00:31:31.120 --> 00:31:33.680 Lauren, STFC RAL: being successful in getting a placement. 148 00:31:34.530 --> 00:31:35.790 Vicky, STFC RAL (she/her): Okay? Great 149 00:31:36.100 --> 00:31:40.989 Vicky, STFC RAL (she/her): what are the start and end times for placements? And will we have an induction? 150 00:31:41.050 --> 00:31:59.749 Lauren, STFC RAL: Yep, so we will provide all this information. Once students are successful in getting a placement, but roughly the first day you'll be asked to arrive at 90'clock, and site hours are usually between 8, 30, and 5 30. Monday to Thursday, 8, 30 to 4 30 on a Friday. 151 00:31:59.750 --> 00:32:15.990 Lauren, STFC RAL: So your supervisors will confirm exact timings. On the first day, and you will have an induction. So on the first day you'll be met at reception and we'll go through a little health and safety induction, a little bit of information about the site 152 00:32:15.990 --> 00:32:25.090 Lauren, STFC RAL: and hopefully, that will cover all of the things that you need to find out with. Find out about for the 153 00:32:25.090 --> 00:32:31.629 Lauren, STFC RAL: for the placement. So I think that might be all of our questions. Is that right? Because, thank you. 154 00:32:31.930 --> 00:32:47.509 Lauren, STFC RAL: Fab, so hopefully, you have found this informative. If you do have any more questions, please do drop us an email, and we are more than happy to answer them for you. But for now we'll say Thank you, and good luck in your application. 155 00:32:47.560 --> 00:32:49.400 Vicky, STFC RAL (she/her): Goodbye, bye.