Sample application questions 2024 – RAL

This is a sample of the RAL application form and only contains ‘longer answer’ and placement specific questions. Questions may be subject to change.

The online application form will also ask for personal details, including contact information, school details, placement availability and accessibility information. We will also require you to have parental permission for you to complete the form.

All applications must be submitted via the online form, link to follow. Applications for 2024 will open on 1 January 2024 and close on 25 February 2024.

The online application form should be completed by students, rather than parents or guardians, but please do ask someone to check over your form. This can be a parent/guardian or teacher at school, or trusted adult. Students will have the opportunity to save their progress and revisit their form. All applications must be completed and submitted by 25 February 2024 in order to be considered for the programme.

Sample questions

Sample question 1

In which areas are you most interested? 
Please rank in order of preference, 1 being your first choice.  

  • Computing includes software engineering and development, programming and IT.  
  • Engineering includes mechanical, electronic and electrical engineering. Please note we do not offer any placements in aerospace engineering.  
  • Science – theoretical: Our scientists develop new theories and hypotheses to explain natural phenomenon. STFC supports theoretical research in particle physics, particle cosmology, theoretical astronomy and cosmology, plasma and areas related or relevant to these.  
  • Science – practical: We run many large experiments at our labs and each has many practical aspects covering all areas of the process from prepping experiments to analysing data.  
  • Other refers to non-STEM placements such as in the Library and the Communications and Business departments and working on Social Media projects  

Sample question 2

Please select your first, second and third choice of placement. Please read the descriptions for each project carefully when making this decision. Do not select the same project more than once; this will not improve your chances of being offered the project. Full details of all projects can be found on our webpage:  

Sample question 3

The project I have selected as my first choice appeals to me because… 
Please specify your interests, referring to your first choice project (max 250 words).

and I would particularly like to do…
Is there something in particular that you are hoping to gain some experience in as part of your first choice project? (max 250 words).

Sample question 4

The project I have selected as my second choice appeals to me because… 
Please specify your interests, referring to your second choice project (max 250 words).

and I would particularly like to do…
Is there something in particular that you are hoping to gain some experience in as part of your second choice project? (max 250 words).

Sample question 5

Some of our placements (in all departments) involve computing. We will be offering an online ‘Introduction to Python’ programming workshop to get you up to speed, if your placement requires it or if it is something you are interested in.

Please provide details of any software packages or programming languages you’re familiar with e.g. MS Office, C++, Adobe Photoshop 
We are asking this so that we know what sort of skills our students have and/or might want to develop. Please don’t worry if you aren’t familiar with programming languages. 

Sample question 6

Why do you want to be involved in work experience at RAL, and what do you hope to gain from it? 
Please write at least 50 words, max. 250 words

Sample question 7

We’d like to know a little more about you. What are your interests (both in and out of school)?

Please write at least 50 words, max. 250 words